职业会计师肩负着遵循职业道德、维护公众利益的职责,在促进全球贸易和经济发展中有着战略性作用。国际会计师联合会于2015年发布的一项研究报告表明,职业会计师每年为全球贡献经济增加值近6 000亿美元。国际会计师联合会代表着包括中国注册会计师协会逾22万名会员在内的,来自全球近300万会计师的声音。我们在健全金融监管体系、提高经济透明度、建立问责机制、完善公司治理等方面有着共同的担当,因为我们坚信,这些因素是促进全球范围的经济长期可持续增长、改善世界人民生活所不可或缺的。
Olivia Kirtley and Feng Shuping
This century has seen extraordinary developments in China’s long history as a great trading nation. In 2001 China was admitted to the World Trade Organization, and in 2015 the IMF admitted its currency to the major denomination Special Drawing Rights basket. China’s economic ascendency has coincided with deeper engagement and interdependence with its trading partners. In 2016, China will for the first time host a G-20 Summit.
Chairing the world’s premier forum for economic co-operation is an exciting moment for the nation. In remarks delivered at the G20 Antalya Leaders’ Summit in 2015 and warmly supported by professional accountants, President Xi Jinping called for the world to shoulder a collective responsibility to promote growth.
Bound by a strong code of ethics and a duty to the public interest, our profession occupies a unique, strategic role supporting global trade and commerce. In a study by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) this year, the accountancy profession was estimated to contribute more than half a trillion dollars in value-add to the global economy. IFAC represents the views of almost 3 million accountants through its member organizations, including the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA)—and its over 220,000 members throughout China. Our shared interest in strong financial management, transparency, accountability and enhanced governance is based on the belief that these components are essential for sustainable, long-term, economic growth and better outcomes for the world’s citizens.
On the global profession’s behalf, IFAC has for many years urged the G-20 to actively promote enhanced public sector financial management, better organizational governance, and global regulatory consistency—in particular the adoption and implementation of high-quality international standards.
Understanding the regulatory environment in which businesses operate, trade occurs, and jobs and economies grow, is key to unlocking long-term economic growth. Our starting point is that regulation is a vital feature of successful economies and, as the global financial crisis showed, there were glaring problems in many jurisdictions. Governments, regulators and citizens were right to demand rapid, corrective action.
With the benefit of hindsight and mutual respect, global leaders, policymakers and businesses have a golden opportunity to pave the way for growth—and help predict and prevent the next crisis.
Required by clients in businesses big and small to help interpret the new, post-crisis, regulatory environment, professional accountants strongly support greater global regulatory co-operation. As regulation has surged and complexity increased, the risks of fragmentation have grown. We have consistently urged a focus on the principles of ‘good regulation’—starting out with clear objectives, deep and wide consultation, and ending in active oversight and systematic review to ensure the regulation is acting as intended.
Centuries after mastering the manufacture of exquisite silk and pottery, and being crucial to the development of world’s most strategically important overland trading route, we applaud China’s G-20 ambitions for long-term global economic growth. Good regulation that pays heed to international commerce and trade will strongly support both innovation and shared development. Meanwhile, professional accountants everywhere will continue to shoulder our responsibility to support a more open, transparent world economy—in the public interest.
Olivia F. Kirtley is the President of IFAC, the global organization for the accountancy profession, representing more than 175 members in more than 130 countries and jurisdictions. Madam Feng Shuping is the President of CICPA, which represents over 220,000 accountants supporting China’s economy.