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  A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.成功的人是能够拿别人扔过来的砖头为自己垒砌坚强地基的人。科教园注册会计师培训班为大家整理了注会考试财务类英语词汇。

  first participant 第一参与者

  First Quarter Economic Report 19XX 《一九XX年第一季经济报告》

  first sell order 首次卖盘

  First Union HKCB Asia Limited 首华亚洲有限公司

  fiscal drag 财政拖累;财政障碍;税项负荷加重

  fiscal policy 财政政策

  fiscal reason 财政理由

  fiscal requirement 财政需求

  fiscal reserve 财政储备

  fiscal restraint measure 财政紧缩措施

  fiscal system 财政制度

  fiscal year 会计年度;财政年度

  fisheries loan 渔业贷款

  Fit and Proper Criteria, The 《适当人选的准则》

  Five Rams Finance Company Limited 羊城财务有限公司

  five-year forecast of revenue and expenditure 五年收支预测

  five-year forecast return 五年预测报表

  fixed amount of interest 固定利息数额

  fixed assets 固定资产

  fixed capital formation 固定资本形成

  fixed capital investment 固定资本投资

  fixed charge 固定费用;固定押记

  fixed concessionary rate 固定优惠率

  fixed cost 固定成本

  fixed cumulative dividend 固定累积股息

  fixed deposit account 定期存款帐户

  fixed exchange rate 固定汇率

  fixed interest investment 定息投资

  fixed interest loan stock 固定利息贷款债券;定息贷款债券

  fixed interest rate securities 固定利率证券;定息证券

  fixed interest securities 固定利息证券;定息证券

  fixed parity 固定平价

  fixed rate bond 定息债券

  fixed rate certificate of deposit 定息存款证

  fixed rate liabilities 固定利率负债

  fixed rate mortgage 定息按揭

  fixed term deposit 定期存款

  fixed value 固定价值

  fixed-price lump-sum contract 固定总价合约

  fixed-price offer 固定价格要约

  flat market 市况呆滞;平市

  flat rate 划一收费率

  flat rate allowance 划一免税额;定额津贴

  flat rate charge 划一收费

  flexibility arrangement 弹性措施

  flexible exchange regime 弹性汇率制度

  floatation of shares 股票上市;股票挂牌买卖

  floating charge 浮动押记

  floating currency 汇率浮动的货币;浮动货币

  floating loss 浮动损失;浮动亏损

  floating profit 浮动利润

  floating rate 浮动利率;浮动汇率

  floating rate bond 浮息债券

  floating rate certificate of deposit 浮息存款证

  floating rate liabilities 浮动利率负债

  floating rate note 浮动利率票据;浮息票据

  floating rate regime 浮动汇率制度

  floor broker 出市经纪

  Floor Procedures Working Group [Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited] 市场委员会工作组〔香港期货交易所有限公司〕

  floor ticket 交易所买卖单

  floor trader 出市代表;出市员

  floor trading system 大堂交易系统;场内交易系统

  flow chart 流程图

  fluctuating overdraft 不定数额透支

  fluctuation 波动

  folio of ledger 分类帐

  foolproof system 万全办法

  forced liquidation “斩仓”;强制清盘

  forecast figure 预测数字

  forecast period 预测期

  forecast return 预测报表

  forecast submission 呈报预测

  forecast trend growth rate 预测趋势增长率

  forecast year 预测年度

  foreclosure 止赎权

  foreclosure order 止赎令

  foreign bank 外地银行

  foreign bill 外地汇票

  foreign credit 海外信用证;海外信贷

  foreign currency 外币

  foreign currency assets 外币资产

  foreign currency deposit 外币存款

  foreign currency funding centre 外币融资中心

  foreign currency holding 外币持有量;外币储备

  foreign currency reserve 外汇储备

  foreign currency sovereign debt 外币国债

  foreign exchange [forex] 外汇

  foreign exchange agreement 外汇协议

  foreign exchange allocation 外汇分配

  Foreign Exchange and Market Practices Committee 外汇及市场惯例委员会

  foreign exchange bought 买入外汇

  foreign exchange certificate 外汇兑换券;外汇券

  foreign exchange contract 外汇合约

  foreign exchange market 外汇市场;汇市

  foreign exchange quotation 外汇报价;外汇牌价

  foreign exchange reserve 外汇储备

  foreign exchange resources 外汇资源

  foreign exchange risk 外汇风险

  foreign exchange sold 卖出外汇

  foreign exchange turnover 外汇市场交投总额

  foreign investment 海外投资;外来投资

  foreign note 外地承付票

  foreign ownership 外资拥有权

  foreign partnership 外地合伙

  foreign remittance 国外汇款

  foreign stock exchange 外地证券交易所

  foreign tax 外地税款

  forex dealer 外汇交易商

  forex futures 外汇期货

  forex option 外汇期权

  forfeit 没收物品

  forfeiture 没收

  forfeiture of contribution 没收供款

  forfeiture of sum 没收款项

  forged signature 假冒的签名

  forgiveness of a debt 免偿债务

  formal contingent liabilities 正式或有负债

  Fortune Magazine 《财富杂志》

  forward assets purchase 远期资产购置

  forward contract rate 远期合约成交率

  forward exchange rate 远期汇率;期货外汇汇率

  forward exchange sold 卖出远期外汇

  forward foreign currency assets 远期外币资产

  forward foreign exchange contract 远期外汇合约

  forward forward deposit 远期有期存款

  forward purchase 期货购买

  forward rate 远期汇率;期汇率

  forward trading 期货交易;远期交易

  founding member 创办会员;创办会员国

  Fourth Quarter Economic Report 19XX 《一九XX年第四季经济报告》

  fractional share 不足一股的股份

  fragile consumer sentiment 消费意欲薄弱

  Framework Agreement [trading fund] 《架构协议》〔营运基金〕

  franc area 法郎区

  franchise 专营权;特许权

  Frankfurt Stock Exchange 法兰克福证券交易所

  franking machine 印花盖印机

  fraudulent preference 欺诈优惠;欺诈性优先还款

  fraudulent trading 欺诈营商

  free enterprise system 自由企业制度

  free fiscal reserve 自由财政储备

  free market economy 自由市场经济

  free of particular average [FPA] 平安险;单独海损不赔

  free of payment settlement 免付款交收

  free on board price [f.o.b. price] 离岸价格;船上交货价

  free surplus 自由盈余;未指定用途的盈余

  freehold 不动产所有权;永久产权

  freely convertible 可自由兑换

  freely remittable 自由汇返

  freezing order 冻结令

  French Banking Commission 法国银行业监察委员会

  French Franc [FRF] 法国法郎

  fringe benefit 附带利益

  fringe market 外围市场

  frozen provision 冻结款项

  frustrating effect 破坏性影响

  FTSE-100 Index 金融时报100指数

  fuel duty 燃油税

  Fuji Bank Limited 富士银行

  Fuji International Finance (HK) Limited 富士国际财务(香港)有限公司

  Fukuoka City Bank, Limited 福冈城市银行

  Fukuoka City Finance Limited 冈都市财务有限公司

  Fukuoka Finance International Limited 冈财务国际有限公司

  full consideration 十足代价

  full contracting party 正式缔约国;正式缔约成员

  full cost price 十足成本价

  full member 正式会员;正式成员

  full open market price 十足公开市价

  full price 十足价格

  full return of contribution 发还全部供款

  full valuable consideration 十足有值代价

  full year 全年

  full year cost 全年经费;全年费用

  fully deductible 可全数扣税

  fully paid-up capital 已缴足股款的股本

  fully paid-up share 已缴足股款的股份

  fully secured 有十足抵押

  functional analysis 用途分析;功能分析

  fund 基金;资金

  fund accounting basis 基金会计基准

  fund credited 记入基金

  fund expenditure 基金开支

  fund levy 基金征费

  fund management 基金管理

  fund of funds 综合基金

  fund on account sought 申请临时拨款

  fund revenue 基金收入

  fund warrant 基金支付令

  fundamental analysis 基本因素分析;基础分析

  funded debt 长期债款;长期借款

  funding 经费;资金

  funding cost 集资成本

  funding mismatch 资金错配

  funds employed 运用资金额

  funeral expenses 殡殓费

  further sum 额外款项

  future dividend 未来股息

  future earnings 未来入息

  future expenses 未来开支

  futures broker 期货经纪

  Futures Compensation Fund Committee [Securities and Futures Commission] 期货赔偿基金委员会〔证券及期货事务监察委员会〕

  futures contract 期货合约

  futures contract in interbank interest rate 银行同业拆息期货合约

  futures contract value 期货合约市值;期约市值

  futures crossing procedure 期货对盘程序

  futures dealer 期货交易商

  futures exchange company 期货交易所

  futures general clearing dealer 期货通用结算交易商

  futures individual clearing dealer 期货独立结算交易商

  futures introducing broker 期货介绍经纪

  futures market 期货市场

  futures non-clearing dealer 期货非结算交易商

  futures trading 期货交易

  futures trading adviser 期货交易顾问


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