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阅读新闻     距离2019年注册会计师考试还有 天     优惠期:7月1日还有 天     2019,有你,有我,有梦想!


  as selfishness and complaint cloud the mind, so love with its joy clears and sharpens the vision. (helen keller) 自私和抱怨使心灵阴暗,愉悦的爱则使视野明朗开阔。科教园注册会计师培训班为报考2013年的同学们整理了以下关于综合阶段英语的词汇,希望有助于大家在未来的考试中取得好成绩。

  科学事业单位结余(scientific research institutes‘surplus)

  科学事业单位会计制度(accointing regulations for scientific research instifutes)

  科学事业单位会计报表分析(scientific research institutes-analysis of accounting statements)

  科学事业单位会计(sicentific research institute accounting)

  科学事业单位成本费用管理(scientific research institutes-cost maragement)

  科学事业单位财务制度(financial regulations for scientific research institutes)

  经营支出(orerating expense )

  经营收入(operating revenue)

  基金预算支出(fund budget expenditure)

  基金预算收入(fund budget revenue)

  基金预算结余(surplus of fund budget)

  国家预算(state budget)

  国家决算(final accounts of state revenue and expenditure)

  高等学校资产(colleges and universities assets)

  高等学校支出(colleges and universities expenditures)

  高等学校预算管理方式(budget management method of colleges and universities)

  高等学校收入(colleges and universities revenues)

  专用基金支出(expenditure on special purpose fund)

  专用基金收入(proceeds from special purpose fund)

  中华人民共和国预算法(the budget law of the people‘s Republic of China)

  资金调拨支出(expenditure on allocated and transeferred fund)

  财政收入(public finance-revemue)

  财政净资产(public finance-net assets)

  财政负债(public finance-liabilities)

  财政补助收入(grant from the state)

  拨入专款(restricted appropriation)

  few things are impossible in themselves; and it is often for want of will, rather than of means, that man fails to succeed. (la rocheforcauld) 事情很少有根本做不成的;其所以做不成,与其说是条件不够,不如说是由于决心不够。科教园2013注会辅导班是注会学子们成就注会理想的起点,更多内容请点击注册会计师学习资料。

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