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阅读新闻     距离2019年注册会计师考试还有 -1987 天     优惠期:4月1日还有 4 天     2019,有你,有我,有梦想!


  Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.任何值得做的事就值得把它做好!科教园注册会计师辅导班为大家整理了以下关于会计英语的常用词汇,注会考试综合阶段是不容考生忽略的,祝同学们取得好成绩。

  Delayed annuities 递延年金

  Advanced annuities 预付年金

  Perpetuity 永续年金

  Mean 均值

  Variance 方差

  Standard deviation 标准差

  Normal Distribution 正态分布

  Portfolio of securities 证券组合

  Face value/par value面值

  Yield to maturity 到期收益率

  Interest rate利率

  Nominal/stated interest rate票面利率


  Expiry date到期日

  Required rate of return要求的报酬率

  CAPM: capital asset pricing model资本资产定价模型

  Covariance and correlation 协方差和相关性

  Diversifiable and non-diversifiable risks 可分散和不可分散风险

  Risk free rate of return无风险报酬率

  Risk premium风险溢价


  Cost of debt债券资本成本

  Cost of equity权益资本成本

  Ordinary share普通股

  Convertible debt可转换债券

  Equity beta: β equity权益贝塔系数


  At par面值

  DOL:经营杠杆系数degree of operating leverage

  DFL::财务杠杆系数degree of financing leverage

  DTL:总杠杆系数degree of total leverage

  Financial distress 财务困境

  Dividend policy股利政策

  Cash dividend 现金股利

  Stock (scrip ) dividend 股票股利

  Stock split 股票分割

  Stock repurchase 股票回购

  Dividends grow at the long-term growth rate in earnings股利按长期增长率增长

  Payout ratio股利支付率

  Residual dividend policy with all distribution in the form of dividend所有剩余均以股利形式发放的剩余股利政策

  Regular-dividend-plus-extras policy正常股利加额股利外支付政策

  Leasing 租赁

  Convertibles 可转换债券

  Warrants 认股权证

  Preference shares 优先股

  The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好!科教园注册会计师学习资料为同学们提供了更多辅导内容,帮助考生在考前整理重点内容,全力冲刺注会考试。

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