289 revenue and capital expenditure 岁入和资本支出
290 review 评论
291 review and capital expenditure 评论和资本支出
292 review 评论
293 review engagement 复阅约定
294 rights 认股权
295 rights and obligations 认股权和待付款
296 rights to information 对信息的认股权
297 risk and materiality 风险和重要性
298 risk-based approach 以风险为基础的方式
299 romalpa case romalpa 个案
300 rotation of auditor appointments 审计(查帐)员任命的循环
301 rules of professional conduct 职业道德守则
302 sales cut-off 销售截止
303 sales system 销售(货)制度
304 sales tax 销售税,营业税
305 sales 销售,销货
306 sample size 样本量
307 sampling risk 抽样风险
308 sampling units 抽样单位
309 schedule of unadjusted errors 未调整的错误表
310 scope and objectives of internal audit 内部核数的范围和目标
311 segregation of duties 职责划分
312 service organization 服务组织
313 significant fluctuations or unexpected relationships 可重视的 (市价)波动或不能预料的亲属关系
314 small entity 小的个体
315 smaller entities 比较小的个体
316 sole traders 个体营业者
317 sources of knowledge 知识的根源
318 specimen letter on internal control 内部控制上的样本证书
319 stakeholders 赌款保存人
320 standardised working papers 标准化工作文件
321 statement 1:integrity,objectivity and independence 声明 1: 完整,客观性和独立
322 statement 2:the professional duty of confidence 声明 2: 信任的职业责任
323 statement 3: advertising ,publicity and obtaining professional work 声明 3: 广告法(学) ,宣传和获得专业性工作
324 statement 5:changes in professional appointment 声明 5: 在职业上的任命中的改变
325 statistical sampling 统计抽样
326 statutory audit 法定审计
327 statutory books 法定卷册
328 statutory duty 法定责任
329 stewardship 总管的职务